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How much does a lawyer charge for probate in NSW?

In NSW, probate lawyer fees vary based on the estate’s complexity and value. Costs may be flat rates, hourly fees, or a percentage of the estate. Discussing fees upfront helps avoid surprises.

The process of probate, in itself, is overwhelming and even more so when one is dealing with pain over the loss of a loved one. Probate cost can become a very essential part of any exercise of estate planning or management. This article, therefore, delves deep into the cost of hiring a probate lawyer in New South Wales by detailing the factors that contribute to the cost and typical fee structures.

Navigating the probate process can be complicated, and understanding the associated costs is crucial for effective estate planning. In New South Wales, the fees charged by probate lawyers can vary widely based on factors such as the complexity of the estate, the amount of assets involved, and the specific services required. Some lawyers may charge a flat fee, while others bill by the hour or take a percentage of the estate’s value. It’s important to discuss these fee structures upfront to avoid any surprises later on. This article aims to provide clarity on these costs, helping you make informed decisions during a challenging time.

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What is Probate in NSW?

Probate is the legal process in NSW through which a will left by a deceased person is proved. It actually provides the executor with the right and authority for the distribution of the estate according to the will. This process will ascertain the well and give the legally mandated authority to the executor so as to handle the assets of the deceased.
It is generally initiated in NSW by an application to the Supreme Court of NSW for a Grant of Probate as executor. It is going to involve the original will, a certified copy of the death certificate, and an elaborate list of the assets and liabilities pertaining to the deceased.
On receipt, the legal authority derived from the Grant of Probate authorizes the executor to administer the estate by first settling the debts and taxes, followed shortly by the balance of the distribution to the beneficiaries. Hiring a laborious will estate lawyer in Sydney helps to sort all of this out, ensuring that a person meets all legal requirements and the process of probate is never obstructed

Factors Influencing Probate Costs

One must be aware of the various factors that can impact the cost of probate if one wants to effectively and efficiently go through the NSW probate process. Due to these factors, knowledge is what may make a big difference in the total cost.
  • Value of the Estate : There is a major determining factor: the total value of the estate. Higher-value estates attract higher court filing fees and larger legal fees. For example, in 2023, estates with a value starting from $1,000,000 to $3,000,000 will be truly high-fee estates because the fee structure is progressive. Also, under the Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Regulation 2015, with the value of the estate, the fees increase in relation to the extra work needed to handle larger estates​.
  • Complexity of the Will : This is another determinant of probate costs. The cost of processing simple wills, where all the assets will be divided among very few heirs, is lower. On the contrary, wills with complex assets, such as business interests, investment portfolios, or multiple properties, and those including large numbers of beneficiaries or specific conditions, are pricier in that they require lots of legal work. Again, this complicates the administration further and increases the legal bills due to the detailed assessment and management that have to be done to ensure that the wishes of the deceased are followed​​.
  • Contested Wills : If a will is contested, then it will run up the legal bills manifold. The contested wills are those with legally arguable cases, and such cases may go on for quite a long period, turning out to be very complicated. Such complicated mistreatment and disputes among beneficiaries or objections to the validity of the will could result in these cases. All these require heavy legal involvement, hence inflating the time and expenses taken during the probate process.
  • Location of assets: Another factor that could impact probate costs is the geographic location of the estate’s assets. More legal coordination and documentation are required for estates with assets in more than one jurisdiction. For instance, if an estate has property or bank accounts in more than one state or country, the probate process will be more complicated and thus more expensive. This is simply because the laws of each jurisdiction require certain procedures that involve additional filings with the court and lawyers associated with such filings.
  • Executor’s Fees: Not only that, but executors can also claim the fees for services rendered as reasonable and add to the overall probate cost. The work of an executor involves dealing with the affairs of the estate by paying debts, filing taxes, and making other distributions of assets to the concerned beneficiaries. This would take substantial time and require complex paperwork to be duly compensable. These executor’s fees are almost invariably based in percentage terms on the value of the estate and hence differ by the complexity and size of the estate. The fees should be factored in when making an informed estimate of the total cost of the probate.

Typical Lawyer Fees for Probate

One of the integral parts of estate planning would be knowing the associated costs of hiring a probate lawyer when handling probate in NSW. These might differ in their worth based on the value of your estate, the complexity of the case, or the services provided by him. Legal Profession Uniform Legislation Application Regulation 2015: In NSW, the fees of a probate lawyer are mainly governed by this Act, under which there exists a scale of fees having a graduated scale based upon the gross value of the estate. Here is a more comprehensive outline of said fees:
  • Estates not exceeding $30,000: $560, plus $13.33 for each $1,000 up to $30,000​
  • Estates between $30,000 and $150,000: $960, plus $5.90 for each $1,000 over $30,000​.
  • Estates between $150,000 and $1,000,000: $1,670, plus $4.47 for each $1,000 over $150,000​.
  • Estates between $1,000,000 and $3,000,000: $5,470, plus $1.66 for each $1,000 over $1,000,000​​.
  • Estates between $3,000,000 and $5,000,000: $8,800, plus $1.10 for each $1,000 over $3,000,000.
  • Estates exceeding $5,000,000: $11,000, plus $0.90 for each $1,000 over $5,000,000​

Court Filing Fees

In addition to probate lawyer fees, there are court filing fees payable to the Supreme Court of NSW, which are also based on the estate’s value:
  • Estates less than $100,000: Nil​
  • Estates between $100,000 and $250,000: $802​
  • Estates between $250,000 and $500,000: $1,088​
  • Estates between $500,000 and $1,000,000: $1,669​
  • EEstates between $1,000,000 and $2,000,000: $2,224​
  • Estates between $2,000,000 and $5,000,000: $3,707​
  • Estates exceeding $5,000,000: $6,179 ​

Additional Fees

In addition to principal legal and court costs, a whole host of other expenses could very well crop up during the probate process, which includes but may not be limited to the following:
  • Advertisement fees : hese are the fees that will most probably turn up to advertise a Notice of Intention to apply for a Grant of Probate. This is usually about $48​
  • Disbursements : These third-party costs include death certificates, property valuations, and various other bits of paper required by the process. These can run into hundreds of dollars and are, therefore, added to the overall cost of probate​​.
  • Executor’s Fees : There are some reasonable fees inserted for the executors. These costs will differ in terms of size and complexity. The charges are usually given as a percentage of the value of an estate and have to be taken into consideration when anyone is planning for probate.


This is simply a part of estate planning, but it is important to understand the associated costs of a NSW probate lawyer. While the actual fees will differ concerning the value and complexities of the estate, knowing the common costs and the additional expenses involved empowers one to manage the process. A qualified will estate lawyer in Sydney can guide you smoothly in the probate process and cost-effectively, too.


Probate is a legal process called to prove the validity of a will left behind by the deceased and to vest the right of the executor to distribute the estate according to the Will. It ensures that a will presented for probate is authentic and that the executor is fully vested with powers to do all acts about the proper management of the deceased’s assets.
Yes, for straightforward probate applications, several law firms do apply a fixed fee. Fixed fees provide certainty around total fees payable. For more complex or contested applications, generally, the fees are at an hourly rate, and that can be a wide range based on the experience of the probate lawyer and the complexity of the case​.
A contested will is one that could partly increase probate expense. Legal expenses are increased because more work is required to resolve the dispute by the beneficiaries or to prove whether the will is genuine. Such disputes, in most cases, require long, complicated court proceedings, which also become expensive.
If the assets are spread over different jurisdictions, this will require additional legal coordination for documentation, thereby increasing the complexity and, hence, the cost of the entire probate process.

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