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Wills & Estates Lawyers In Sydney

Providing advice on the best way to structure your assets & helping to draft a will.

What Services Do Wills And Estates Lawyers In Sydney Provide
Wills and estates lawyers in Sydney can provide a range of services to individuals and families. This can include providing advice on the best way to structure your assets, helping to draft a will, or assisting with the administration of an estate. Whether you need help with estate planning or are dealing with the death of a loved one, these lawyers can provide the guidance and support you need with all matters relating to estate law and estate administration.
Wills And Estates Lawyers In Sydney Can Help You Create A Will

When it comes to planning for the future, investing in a reliable wills and estate lawyers in Sydney is an important step. An attorney in New South Wales can ensure that your will accurately reflects your wishes and values regarding the distribution of your property upon death. Furthermore, these experts can help create trusts and other instruments to preserve properties for future generations.

They are also familiar with immigration law which can be important for client with international assets and family member. With a qualified professional at your side, you can rest assured that your estate will be properly managed and protected after you are gone.
From formulating strategies for minimizing tax burdens to drafting complex family agreements through legal process, wills and estate lawyers in Sydney can provide critical support throughout the process of creating a will, including creating enduring power of attorney. Whatever your particular needs may be, enlisting a reputable lawyer with expertise in the area of wills and derivatives provides invaluable peace of mind when planning for the future.
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Wills And Estate Lawyers Assist With Estate Law, Trusts, Asset Management And Estate Administration.

How Can A Wills And Estate Lawyer Help You If You Are Going Through A Divorce?

Divorce is an emotionally complex process, and there are many legal matters that need to be addressed. Property division and child custody arrangements must be agreed upon for an uncontested divorce, or litigated in court for a contested divorce. In either situation, a wills and estates lawyer can provide invaluable assistance, ensuring that your rights are protected as well as those of your former spouse.

An experienced attorney has the necessary understanding of how marital assets should be divided in accordance with family law legislation and understands how courts make decisions regarding child support payments, spousal maintenance payments, guardianship issues, and restrictions on parental rights. This level of knowledge ensures that your wishes are reflected in the division of marital assets and child custody arrangements – helping to secure peace of mind during this difficult process.

Throughout the proceedings a wills and estates lawyer can provide sound legal advice while advocating on your behalf in court if the case goes that far. Given the complexity of divorce proceedings, it’s wise to enlist a skilled attorney when facing this kind of challenge – no matter which side you’re on in the process. Working with a qualified professional will ensure that every aspect of your divorce is resolved fairly according to applicable laws and regulations. Learning about what a wills and estates lawyer can do for you during this time is essential for reaching optimal outcomes for everyone involved.

Wills And Estates Lawyers Can Assist In Probating An Estate

Wills and estates lawyer provide invaluable guidance during emotionally challenging times, like managing deceased estate. From helping to draft a will or advising on probate and estate issues, our experts are well-versed in the legal mechanisms that can help protect your rights and interests. In particular, wills and estate lawyers can help with the probate process—the official means of distributing the deceased estates and assets as stipulated in their will.
This is a complex affair that requires considerable expertise in property law and understanding to ensure everything is done according to plan. In addition to determining which assets should be assigned and when, lawyers may also provide assistance with tasks such as filing taxes related to the estate, closing bank accounts linked to the deceased, settling any outstanding debts, or transferring titles associated with property.
While there may be some disputes about specific items or holdings, wills and estates attorneys have all the necessary experience and knowledge to ensure due process is followed and that any disagreements are resolved quickly and fairly. With their help, you can rest assured knowing everything has been taken care of in an efficient yet professional manner. Thanks to wills and estate lawyers, your loved one’s legacy can continue for years to come.

Will And Estates Lawyers Can Represent You In Court If There Is A Dispute Over The Will Or Estate

Wills And estates Lawyers Can Provide Advice On Avoiding Probate Through Gifting Or Transferring Assets.


There are many ways in which our wills and estate attorney, including our principal solicitor, can help you. We are a specialist law firm and we can assist you with creating a will, estates services, probating an estate or other estate planning issues. If you are going through a divorce, we can also help with property division and child custody arrangements. Wills and estate lawyers and Probate lawyers can provide advice on how to avoid probate altogether by using strategies like gifting or transferring ownership of assets during your lifetime. Contact our experienced Wills and Estate Lawyers at CMI Legal for a free consultation today for any derivatives services.
If you pass away without leaving a Will, you are considered to have died intestate. If this happens, your Property will be divided by state legislation. Of course, this is beyond your control, and your assets may be allocated differently than you would prefer. Making a Will assures you that you have expressed your desires for how your possessions should be divided and administered. Regardless of the amount of your estate, you want to avoid expensive legal affairs over your assets. Disputes between potential beneficiaries can quickly deplete an estate, and having a well-drafted Will is the initial step to avoid this. While it is theoretically possible to write a Will that will leave your wealth to whoever you want, it is critical to seek legal counsel on this. This may be relevant if you have any newborn children or other relatives. In circumstances involving mixed families or estranged offspring, the consequences of leaving someone out of a Will disputes must be carefully considered as the likelihood of an expensive legal costs. It’s also important to seek expert legal advice from attorney with knowledge in commercial law, estate planning and creating enduring guardianship especially if you have business or commercial assets.
It is recommended to examine your Will regularly. If your situation changes, it becomes vital to update your Will to reflect the new circumstances. Marriage, divorce, the birth of children, and any change in your financial circumstances, such as receiving an inheritance or purchasing a home, are all critical life events that should prompt you to update your Will.
While it may be easy to name your nearest one or eldest kid as Executor just because it appears to be the proper thing to do, it is crucial to assess if the person you are considering selecting as Executor has the competence to carry out the task. Before creating or amending a Will, we must seek legal guidance from our expert team of experienced Lawyers at CMI Group, who can also advise on legal fees that may be incurred during the process. A legitimately made, appropriately witnessed, and updated Will is a smart first step to ensure that your Property is distributed according to your wishes after your demise.

You could contest, challenge, or dispute a Will if you were left out or received an unfair share of the Property. You can oppose a Will by opposing the legitimacy of the Will or challenging the sum of money left to you under the Will. Disputes over the authenticity of Wills or their beneficiaries happen in various situations. Occasionally, unsatisfied heirs approach the Court to challenge the validity of the Will. The following are possible scenarios:

  • When two Wills are written close together.
  • When there is a question as to whether the deceased person had the mental ability to make the Will at issue.
  • When there is a question regarding whether the testator carried out their Will.

If you want to challenge a Will due to it is discriminatory or fraudulent nature, or the decedent was influenced when the Will was written, you should hire a lawyer quickly as possible for consultation because your claim may be subject to time constraints. Your lawyer will ask you questions about your relationship with the dead, the details surrounding the drafting of the discriminatory Will in question, the terms of the unfair Will, and why you believe the Will is unjust during the consultation. To analyze the type and merits of your claim, your lawyer may request additional legal documents from you.


If you are chosen in a Will or appointed by the Court to be the Executor of a Will or the manager of a property, you may be responsible for defending it or trying to uphold the terms of the Will in the event of a challenge. There are other responsibilities associated with challenges, such as supplying pertinent information upon a court’s request. Other duties of an Executor include the following:-

  • Protecting, collecting, and assembling the deceased’s estate’s real and personal Property.
  • Taking care of all estate bills and obligations.
  • Notifying all relevant parties, including recipients of the Will, and submitting an inventory of the estate’s assets to the Supreme Court.
  • Applying to the Supreme Court for the requisite Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration if required.
  • Taking the actions necessary to transfer the inheritance in accordance with the deceased’s Will.
  • Other duties of an Executor include managing and overseeing the property, property transactions and the distribution of the assets according to the terms of the will.
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