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Investor Visa Lawyer (Subclass 891)

At CMI Legal, we specialize in securing Investor Visa, subclass 891, for our clients through expert legal advice and service. Our highly experienced team of immigration lawyers will help you through all the application stages and fully understand the complexities associated with investment-based migration. With us, you get a trusted partner who will understand and value your investment goals and work toward ensuring the path to your permanent residency in Australia is smooth.

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What is an Investor Visa (Subclass 891) in Australia?

The Investor Visa Subclass 891 is for people who have already made the required investment in Australia and need to obtain permanent residency. If an application is made under this category, it is expected that the applicant would have held a designated investment in Australia of at least AUD 1.5 million for at least four years before applying under the initial Subclass 162 (Investor Provisional) visa.

It gives the right to unlimited residence in Australia while including other rights of working, studying, and accessing public health using Medicare. Additionally, it provides for a direct pathway to Australian citizenship in cases where certain residency conditions are met. Our visa lawyers will guide our investor clients through the process, ensuring compliance with all legal requirements and seeking to secure the best prospects of success. We are ready to help clients at any stage, from the preparation of the application to the final status.

Start Your Investor Journey!

Connect with our expert lawyers for professional help with your Subclass 891 Visa!

*Free consultation is limited to 15 minute phone call for us to give preliminary advice

What Can You Do on the Investor Visa (Subclass 891) in Australia?

An Investor Visa, Subclass 891, gives rights and many benefits to the successful applicant to enhance both personal and professional life in Australia. It grants full access to all facilities in the country. Our services will help you through every step to ensure that you maximize opportunities from this route.

Live and Work in Australia

An investor visa is one of the ways to secure permanent residence, through which you can work or run a business in Australia. This type of visa enables full-time settlement in Australia with unlimited work rights so that maximum return can be gained from investments and career opportunities. Our visa lawyers can assist you in making your transition to the Australian workforce smooth and fully compliant.

Access to Public Benefits

Every applicant has to be assessed by a relevant assessing authority to prove their level of qualifications and acquired skills in meeting Australian standards. This view is very important because it ensures the ability to be able to practice one's chosen or nominated profession in Australia.

Sponsorship of Immediate Family

This visa will allow you to invite family members, including spouses and dependent children, to come and live with you in Australia. Sponsorship shares the benefit of residing in Australia with your immediate family, thus helping you as you build a new life together in a supportive environment. We can help you with all the documentation and procedures connected with family immigration.

Flexibility to Travel

This visa offers flexibility with travel in and out of Australia for five years from the date granted. This is highly advantageous in many instances for business investors who have to handle international relations elsewhere. Our immigration lawyers provide advice on maintaining your visa status and maximizing travel benefits while complying with residency requirements.

Pathway to Citizenship

If you can maintain your investment and meet the other residency requirements, you may eventually be in a position to apply for Australian citizenship. This is a permanent commitment to living in Australia and opens your doors for full engagement with all aspects of Australian life, including voting and passport privileges. We can assist you every step of the way along this path to ensure that all relevant criteria are met before a citizenship application is made.

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Documents Checklist for Subclass 891 (Investor Visa)

In applying for a Subclass 891 visa, some key documents are required to be collected and presented to support your eligibility. This documentation needs to be complete and accurate if you are to have a positive result. Here is a detailed checklist to help with your application.

Proof of identity

You must be able to provide valid identification documents, such as a valid passport and old passports that contain evidence of identity, a national ID, and a birth certificate. Such documents prove your identity and nationality and indicate your eligibility for application for the Subclass 891 Visa. Ensuring that these are up-to-date and properly certified is important in the processing of your application with no bottlenecks.

Previous Visa Documentation

You need to provide documentation showing that you have held a Subclass 162 (Investor Provisional) visa. It can consist of visa grant letters, visa labels, or any correspondence with the Department of Home Affairs about your provisional status. All these documents prove that you have already satisfied the requirements for provisional residence resulting from a substantial investment​​.

Investment Evidence

You must provide proof of your nominated investment, which has been continuously held in Australia for at least four years. This shall include investment certificates, bank statements, and financial reports to prove the value and period of the investment. Proper records regarding investment activities are to be kept as proof that a continuous economic contribution has been made to the economy of Australia​.

Health and Character Certificates

You will be required to provide health examination reports and police certificates from all countries you have lived in for 12 months or more during the past 10 years. Your health examinations should be conducted by approved panel physicians, the required police certificates should be recent, and certified, and show that you meet the required health standards for Australia and that your character is good.

Proof of Residency

You need to provide evidence that you have lived in Australia for at least two of the four years immediately before your application. This includes rental agreements, notices of utilities provided to your place of residence, tax records, and letters from agencies or government departments showing your address. These documents must be produced to prove your presence and continued connection to Australia​.

How Does the Investor Visa (Subclass 891) Work in Australia?

The Investor Visa (Subclass 891) allows investors to shift to permanent residence status in Australia. There are certain steps through which one can ensure that an applicant complies with all the requirements required for the transition and success of permanent residency status.

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*Free consultation is limited to 15 minute phone call for us to give preliminary advice

Initial Assessment First, there is an initial assessment to ensure that the applicant has satisfied the eligibility criteria, such as holding a Subclass 162 visa and making a qualified investment in Australia. This step involves looking through the investment history and residency status of the applicant to establish their eligibility to apply for the Subclass 891 visa​​.

Application Preparation
Once eligibility is established, the next step would be to prepare the application. That means the gathering of documents about one’s identification, earlier visa documents, investment proof, and health and character certificates. The accuracy and completeness of documents are vital to the smooth running of the visa application process. Our immigration lawyers provide detailed guidance to applicants in compiling and presenting the documents effectively.

Lodgment After the preparation of the application, it must be lodged with the Department of Home Affairs. This step involves the submission of all forms and supporting documents as required through electronic means. Ensure that it is correctly filled out and that all fees are paid. We help our clients apply, making sure that all requirements are complied with to avoid any possibility of rejection or unnecessary delay.

Visa Application
Once the application is lodged, it goes through an extensive processing phase by the Department of Home Affairs. At this stage, the application is checked for satisfaction of all eligibility criteria and documentation requirements. This may involve further requests for information or clarification. Our experienced immigration lawyer can be of immense help in responding to additional queries or requests made by the authorities.

A decision is finally made concerning the application. On successful application, the applicant is granted permanent residency status in Australia This would entitle them to reside, work, and study indefinitely in Australia. On the other hand, if it is unsuccessful, there will be opportunities for the applicant to appeal or address the identified issues. We provide full support during this process and ensure that the clients are fully informed and prepared throughout the process.

Here is Our Process For Investor Visa Application

The Australian partner visa application procedure is complex and demands meticulous attention to detail. The steps can be navigated as follows:

Consultation and Engagement

Start by arranging a meeting with the immigration lawyer who has expertise in this field, and they will give you customized assistance. They will perform an evaluation of your case and the complexities of the process, and they will acquaint you with the process. Upon the completion of the meeting, they will promptly send you an engagement letter or an agreement detailing the terms and conditions of your legal representation, so that all parties involved have a firm grasp on the commitment.

Preparation and Support

This requires your lawyer to prepare a set of documents and to collect strong evidence. These proofs may include joint bank account statements, shared lease or mortgage documents, and personal statements from friends and family. This preparation stage is an essential element of the whole procedure, because the quality of application can provide a basis for a fair consideration.

Submission and Communication

This is the stage where you and your attorney file your application with the Australian Department of Home Affairs. They will review your paperwork and make sure it complies with all applicable laws and regulations. The lawyer will be working closely with the department and maintaining communication with you during this waiting period, which may be longer, and will give additional information.

Representation and Success

You may, for instance, be required to provide additional information or submit to an interview by the Department of Home Affairs. And if so, your lawyer will prepare you for this and represent you if the need arises. They’re the one who is there for you, and they are the ones who bring out the best in you so that they can better present you to the college. They will advise you on the outcome of the decision and would review the details to guide you on the best choice, may it be an appeal or new application.

Why Should You Choose Us as Your Lawyer for Visa 891?

The success and smoothness of any investor visa, subclass 891, greatly depend on the choice of legal representation. Our team of professional lawyers at CMI Legal is unparalleled in both expertise and tailored service. Here are the key reasons that make us stand out:

Expertise in Immigration Law

Our lawyers specialize in immigration law, particularly in the practice of investment visas. We have a high level of expertise regarding the eligibility requirements and application process involved with the Subclass 891 visa. This is the experience base that allows us to provide accurate and practical advice so that your application complies with all the legal requirements necessary for its approval.

Personalized Legal Guidance

We pride ourselves on offering our clients personalized service in keeping with their particular circumstances. We know that no two investment journeys are alike, and that's why we take the time to get to know your specific needs and goals. Our lawyers provide tailored legal strategies and solutions so that your application process is smooth and efficient and, therefore, your chances of success are maximized.

Thorough Document Preparation

We will assist you in the careful preparation of all documents that need to be presented, making sure every detail is accurate and complete. Gathering evidence of investment, residency, health, and character compliant with the requirement is our specialty. We can help you avoid common mistakes and delays with a detailed approach to applications right from the start of the process.

Full Support

We will provide you with a full solution, from the very initial assessment to the final decision. We'll help you prepare and get all your documents in order, submit your application, and answer any queries that immigration authorities may have. We want you to be worry-free while we deal with all the complications and see that everything goes according to the requirements.

Proven Success Record

We have a strong success rate in securing Subclass 891 visas for our many thousands of clients. We attribute this success to not only our careful approach to the preparation of visa applications but also to our detailed knowledge of the immigration system. By choosing us, you will choose a firm with a proven track record of achieving positive outcomes for our clients.

FAQs on Investor Visa (Subclass 891)

The current processing time for a subclass 891 Investor Visa is around 24 months. This may be delayed further if your application is complex, the completeness of your documents, and additional checking by the Department of Home Affairs.

The processing of the Subclass 891 Investor Visa usually takes around 24 months. This may vary depending on the completeness of the application, the verification of documents, and the personal circumstances of the applicant.

The primary eligibility criteria for the Subclass 891 Investor Visa are that you have invested at least AUD 1.5 million in an Australian state or territory for at least four years, in the form and manner provided in the investment requirements.

As a permanent resident, you can go in and out of Australia multiple times for up to five years without affecting your residency status. To get back into Australia after this time, you will need to apply for a Resident Return Visa (RRV).

If you have already been nominated by another state or province to the Commonwealth Government and would like to transfer your investment interest to New South Wales, that determination requires the Department of Home Affairs’s consent. You can consult our immigration lawyer to learn about the process.

No, an investment in residential real estate does not count toward an investment that would be complying with the Subclass 891 Investor Visa. Generally, the types of eligible investments are those in government bonds, managed funds, and businesses, and they must comply with Australian government requirements.

A subclass 891 investor visa gives you the freedom to work in Australia indefinitely. It grants one the chance to work or run any business that he or she may like or is interested in without necessary restrictions.

There are no specific age requirements for the Subclass 891 Investor Visa. However, one must have already held an eligible provisional visa, such as Subclass 162, which itself has criteria as to age that must have been met at the time of application.

To be granted an 891 Investor Visa in the Subclass, you are required to have held your investment in the form for at least AUD 1.5 million with continuous periods of four years in an Australian state or territory.

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Our expert migration lawyers offer paid consultations to suit your needs—choose a quick 15-minute session for general advice or a comprehensive 45-minute session for in-depth discussion and tailored guidance.

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