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892 Visa Lawyers - State or Territory Sponsored Business Owner Visa

At CMI Legal, we expertly guide business proprietors in obtaining a State or Territory Sponsored Business Owner Visa, Subclass 892. Our highly skilled immigration attorneys work to navigate the complexities of Australian immigration law so that your application is considered with due efficiency. Trust us to handle your visa application with the highest professionalism and attention to detail in every matter, paving the way to success in business for you in Australia.

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What is a State or Territory Sponsored Business Owner Visa (Subclass 892)?

This State or Territory Sponsored Business Owner Visa, subclass 892, is for those business owners not Australian citizens to be transferred from provisional visa holders to permanent residence in Australia. To obtain this visa, the applicant must have shown substantial participation in a business in Australia for at least two years before the application date for a provisional visa. This particular visa seeks a certain state or territory sponsorship, which acknowledges the contribution of this business to the economy in a certain area.

Our team of visa lawyers offers customized services, guiding the applicant through this lengthy and complicated process to ensure that all legislative requirements are met. We provide overall support for gathering the necessary documentation the meet the specific criteria set by the sponsoring state or territory and navigating the legal complexities of the immigration pathway.

Secure Your 892 Visa Now!

Our Experienced Lawyers Guide You Through The 892 Visa Application. Contact Us Today For Professional Support!

*Our Expert Migration Lawyers Offer 15-minute General Advice Or 45-minute In-depth, Tailored Consultations To Suit Your Needs.

Other Visa Requirements to Get a Business Owner Visa (Subclass 892)

A qualifying provisional visa is needed for a Business Owner Visa, subclass 892. Each of these visas then has further requirements that deal with particular business or investment situations. Our lawyer will help tailor such services to help you comply with the requirements and ensure a smooth and successful pathway toward permanent residency.

Business Owner (Provisional) Visa (Subclass 160)

The Subclass 160 visa is for those people who have and control a genuinely significant part of a business in Australia. For a Subclass 892 visa, the applicant has to show they are actively involved in the day-to-day activities concerning the management and operation of their business. Our visa lawyers can help prepare documents that prove one's business skills, financial contribution, and compliance with immigration requirements to increase chances of success.

Senior Executive (Provisional) Visa Subclass 161

The Subclass 161 visa is for the senior executives of large companies that can help develop expertise in Australian businesses. Applicants must show they have held a senior management position responsible for a significant part of the company's operations. Our legal team will ensure your executive experience, leadership skills, and strategic contributions are set out to guarantee your eligibility to transition to the Subclass 892 visa.

Investor (Provisional) Visa (Subclass 162)

This provisional visa, subclass 162, will lead to permanent residence in Australia for those who have made a significant financial investment in the country. Our lawyers will document relevant investment activities against the most exhaustive requirements that Australian immigration authorities wish to see. Our services include advising on investment strategies that fit the visa requirements to make a smooth transition to the Subclass 892 visa.

State/Territory Sponsored Business Owner (Provisional) Visa (Subclass 163)

The subclass 163 visa requires sponsorship from the Australian state or territory in which your business operates, acknowledging the financial inputs the business provides to the regional economy. In this regard, our business owner visa lawyers will assist you in securing sponsorship by preparing a strong case on your behalf about the economic impacts of your business on the regional economy.

State/Territory Sponsored Senior Executive (Provisional) Visa (Subclass 164)

This visa subclass 164 is only for the senior executive level and has to be sponsored by an Australian state or territory. Applicants must have high-order management skills, and demonstrate how this expertise will benefit the local economy. Applications must be prepared with fully documented leadership experience and strategic contributions that meet the requirements under the Subclass 892 visa.

State/Territory Sponsored Investor (Provisional) Visa (Subclass 165)

It is designed for those investors who have the sponsorship of an Australian state or territory. It is a step toward permanent residency via the subclass 892 visa. One needs to prove a substantial benefit to the regional economy through his or her investments. We provide for one's investment activities regarding the requirements of the visa and the preparation of a detailed application with the maximum chances for success.

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Our expert immigration lawyers offer paid consultations to suit your needs—choose a quick 15-minute session for general advice or a comprehensive 45-minute session for in-depth discussion and tailored guidance.

Eligibility Requirements for an 892 Business Owner Visa in Australia

For the 892 Business Owner Visa in Australia, applicants will have to ensure residency, business ownership, and financial stability. Our immigration lawyers can help make sure that all the eligibility criteria are clearly understood and met to increase your chances of success when applying for this type of visa.


  • Must have held, continuously for at least two years, a qualifying provisional visa, subclass 160 or 163.
  • Must have resided in Australia for one year within the last two years before applying.
  • Must demonstrate an active involvement in the business, proving that this contribution to the operations is significant.
  • Must meet health and character requirements as per the standards of Australian immigration law.

Business Ownership

  • Must have an ownership interest of at least 51% in a business with a turnover of less than AUD 400,000 per annum, or an ownership interest of at least 30% in a business with a turnover of more than AUD 400,000 per annum. For a publicly listed business, the applicant must have an ownership interest of at least 10%.
  • Must be able to show that he is personally involved in the direct day-to-day management of the business.
  • A business needs to have had active operations in Australia for two years before an application under this visa subclass can be made.

Employees & Net Assets

  • The business must have at least one full-time Australian citizen, permanent resident, or New Zealand citizen during the 12 months before lodgement, not including family members.
  • Must show net business and personal assets of at least AUD 250,000,000 and that those assets were held for at least two years before the visa application.
  • The total value of the business and personal assets must be sufficient to maintain the business and contribute to the Australian economy.
  • The assets must have been legally acquired and be available for use in the business in Australia.

What is Our Process For Business Visa Application?

The Australian business visa application procedure is complex and demands meticulous attention to detail. The steps can be navigated as follows:

Consultation and Engagement

Start by arranging a meeting with the immigration lawyer who has expertise in this field, and they will give you customized assistance. They will perform an evaluation of your case and the complexities of the process, and they will acquaint you with the process. Upon the completion of the meeting, they will promptly send you an engagement letter or an agreement detailing the terms and conditions of your legal representation, so that all parties involved have a firm grasp on the commitment.

Preparation and Support

This requires your lawyer to prepare a set of documents and to collect strong evidence that confirms your relationship. These proofs may include joint bank account statements, shared lease or mortgage documents, and personal statements from friends and family. This preparation stage is an essential element of the whole procedure, because the quality of application can provide a basis for a fair consideration.

Submission and Communication

This is the stage where you and your attorney file your application with the Australian Department of Home Affairs. They will review your paperwork and make sure it complies with all applicable laws and regulations. The lawyer will be working closely with the department and maintaining communication with you during this waiting period, which may be longer, and will give additional information.

Representation and Success

You may, for instance, be required to provide additional information or submit to an interview by the Department of Home Affairs. And if so, your lawyer will prepare you for this and represent you if the need arises. They’re the one who is there for you, and they are the ones who bring out the best in you so that they can better present you to the college. They will advise you on the outcome of the decision and would review the details to guide you on the best choice, may it be an appeal or new application.

Documents Checklist for Business Owner Visa (Subclass 892)

In the process of the visa application, the applicant must ensure the availability of the following documents:

Residency Evidence

Submit utility bills, lease agreements, or similar documents to verify your residency status in Australia.

Evidence of Business Finance

Present audited financials, tax returns, and proof of net assets to confirm financial stability.

Employment Evidence

Include employment records, pay slips, and contracts proving your employees are citizens or permanent residents.

Evidence of Business Ownership

Business registration certificates and shareholding agreements establish the percentage of ownership the applicant has in the business.

Legal and Compliance Documents

Provide the police clearance certificates with a declaration that no illegal business was conducted by the applicant.

Benefits of 892 Business Owner Visa

The 892 Business Owner Visa has many benefits for business owners who want to settle permanently in Australia. This visa not only brings stability into one’s life but also paves the way for continuous success in business matters and personal development. Here are some of the benefits of a subclass 892 visa.

Permanent residence in Australia is obtained by the Subclass 892 visa. With this type of visa, you may live and work in Australia permanently, which gives your business and personal life a very secure footing. By attaining permanent residence, you have the right to stay indefinitely in Australia and enter and leave the country as you so wish. Only such stability will sustain long-term planning and investments in your business and personal future.

This Subclass 892 visa will allow you to continue operating and expanding your business with as little disruption as possible. It supports your continued business activities, therefore rewarding your contribution towards the Australian economy and providing the legal framework needed for long-term growth and success in operation.

The subclass 892 visa is available for immediate family members in the application for permanent residence. Your spouse and dependent children will be able to live, work, and study in Australia, enjoying the same rights and opportunities that flow from permanent residence status, and will integrate into Australian society together with you.

A very clear route to Australian citizenship is open while holding a subclass 892 visa. By continuing to live in Australia, you will meet the residency requirements, and through maintaining your commitment, you will be able to apply for citizenship, thereby securing further rights and responsibilities that come with being an Australian citizen.

As a permanent resident with a Subclass 892 visa, you are eligible to access Australia’s public health care system and get quality education services. This also includes you and your family members receiving Medicare for medical care and public schooling to give your family all-around well-being and support for high-quality living.

Book a Consultation
Our expert immigration lawyers offer paid consultations to suit your needs—choose a quick 15-minute session for general advice or a comprehensive 45-minute session for in-depth discussion and tailored guidance.

How the Application Process for Subclass 892 Visa Works

For the Subclass 892 Business Owner Visa, there are two steps to the application process. Each of the stages has its requirements and documents that must be complied with for the migration process to lead to permanent residence.

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*Our Expert Migration Lawyers Offer 15-minute General Advice Or 45-minute In-depth, Tailored Consultations To Suit Your Needs.

Sponsorship Application

First, you need to get sponsored by a state or even territory of Australia. You will have to apply to the specific state or territory government and convince them about how your business is contributing to the local economy. You would have to provide detailed information about the business regarding financial performance and economic impact, among others. The sponsoring authority shall look into your application against their criteria and may ask for further information or documentation before extending sponsorship. This stage is important because, without state or territory support, one will not be able to progress to the next step. Our visa lawyers will help in preparing documents for securing sponsorship. We work closely with you to align your business goals with the state or territory’s requirements to better increase your chances of getting the crucial endorsement for your visa application​.

Visa Application

The next step will be to make the visa application, which is the lodging of a comprehensive application with the Department of Home Affairs accompanied by proof of business operation, financial documents, and residence requirements met together with personal information. One will also be required to go through health and character checks. The Department will then assess whether your application meets the criteria and may need further documentation or clarifications. During the application process, our lawyers will assist you by ensuring that your documentation is complete and accurate; answering any questions from the immigration authorities regarding your application; and managing your submission to ensure that your approval progresses with minimum difficulty.

FAQs on Business Owner Visa Subclass 892

The cost of lawyers will depend on the case’s complexity and the lawyer’s experience. It lies in a standard range of AUD 3,000 to AUD 7,000. The fee includes consultations, document preparation, and application management.

The cost of business sponsorship visas, such as Subclass 482 or 186, is usually around AUD 420 to AUD 1,200, depending on the nature of the visa class applied for and another associated service. This payment represents an application fee, but it doesn’t mean a fee for legal advice or representation.

Yes, permanent residence is provided for under the Subclass 892 Business Owner Visa. This will let business proprietors stay and work indefinitely in Australia, hence providing much-needed stability and long-term security for themselves. It will enable one to apply for Australian citizenship once residency and other requirements are met.

Generally, a requirement for a business seeking to apply for a Subclass 892 visa is that the business, at the time of making the application, has been in operation for a minimum period of two years before the lodgement of the application. Newly established businesses may not meet this criteria unless in exceptional circumstances.

Yes, you can include immediate family members in your Subclass 892 visa application for Australia. They include a spouse and dependent children whom you would like to bring with you to live, work, and study in Australia.

State/territory sponsorship plays a vital role in any application for a Subclass 892 visa. It proves that your business meets local economic needs and supports regional development. During an application, this sponsorship is very important since it confirms the benefit your business will have to the region sponsoring you.

The main criteria for a Subclass 892 Visa is that you must have at least an ownership interest of 51% in an annual turnover business of below AUD 400,000, or at least 30% in such businesses if turnover exceeds AUD 400,000. Your business has to have been operated for at least two years and show active management and contribution to the economy.

If your application for a Subclass 892 visa is refused, you can apply for an appeal in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal within 21 days. The process of appeal includes a review of your case and the chance to provide any other evidence against the reasons for refusal.

A lawyer can simplify the process of obtaining a Subclass 892 visa by advising on eligibility criteria, preparing and checking documentation, and ensuring compliance with relevant immigration laws and regulations. Their experience helps in avoiding common mistakes and facilitates a smoother application process for better chances of success.

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Our expert business visa lawyers are here to answer all your questions and queries related to immigration and business visa law.

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