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Parent Visa Lawyers Sydney

The process of dealing with intricate immigration law is often overwhelming, particularly when it comes to getting a visa for your parents. Australia presents a variety of parent visas which have unique conditions and advantages. Our team of parent visa lawyers, are here to assist you in the process, making sure that your application is as easy and successful as it can be. We will assist you in the selection of the most suitable Australian visa for parents, ensuring you get the right parent visa for your needs, whether it’s a temporary or permanent parent visa in Australia.

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What Are the Different Types of Parent Visas Available in Australia?

The knowledge of the different parent visas can help you to choose the one that is most fit for your needs. There are various kinds of visas each having their requirements and advantages, which are designed to meet the different needs and situations of families who want to take their parents to Australia. It is essential to comprehend each option and pick the one that suits your case best, maybe you should consult a specialized parent visa lawyer to make sure your application will be smooth.

Sponsored Parent Visa (870)

This type of visa permits parents to be in Australia for five years. It is not necessary to pass the Balance of Family Test, which makes it perfect for parents who don't fulfill that criterion but still want to spend a lot of time with their family in Australia. The visa allows students to stay either for a short or a long time without deciding to become permanent residents right away.

Contributory Parent Visa (173/143)

These are permanent visas that have a higher cost but quick processing times compared to non-contributory parent visas. These visas are ideal for parents who can pay the fees and want to move to Australia earlier rather than later. The contributory visa provides a middle ground between the financial investment and the benefit of fast processing.

Aged Parent Visa (804)

It is eligible for parents who are above the Australian age pension age. This visa is for parents to stay in Australia for life. It is a great way for the aged parents to retire in Australia with their children. This visa offers the elderly parents the opportunity to spend their golden years with the family in their own country.

Parent Visa (103)

This is a permanent visa for parents of Australian citizens or permanent residents. It is cheaper than the visas that are contributed to but has a much longer processing time. It is best for those who are not in a rush to move to Australia. This alternative is ideal for families who have the cost as the primary concern and the speed of the application process as the secondary one. The 870 visa fee and subclass 870 visa offer temporary solutions with different 870 visa sponsor requirements.

Contributory Aged Parent Visa (884/864)

Like the contributory parent visas, but especially for the aged parents. These visas are the alternative to the long waiting period for elderly parents who can afford the higher fee. They are made for those who are looking forward to the fact that their elderly parents will be under the care and companionship of their children without the long wait times that come with the non-contributory visas.

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Which Visa is Best for Parents in Australia?

Australia presents a variety of parent visas, including the Parent Visa Subclass 103, which have their unique conditions and advantages. We, the team of parent visa lawyers, are here to assist you in the process, making sure that your application is as easy and successful as it can be. Through our expertise and individualized way of dealing with clients, we will assist you in the selection of the most suitable visa for your family, including Visa 103.

870 Sponsored Parent (Temporary) Visa

This short-term visa lets parents reside in Australia for five years. It is the perfect choice for parents who want to stay in Australia for a long time but do not want to apply for permanent residency. The 870 visa gives the possibility of visiting one's children without the need for a permanent visa.

Parent Visa Subclass 103

A permanent visa that gives parents the chance to live in Australia permanently. It is cheaper but the processing time is longer than that of contributory parent visas. The parent 103 visa, otherwise known as subclass 103, is the best choice for those who are not in a rush to move. The 103 visa processing time can be a long and tiring process, usually taking several years, but it is a cheap way to reunite families in the long run.

Aged Parent Visa Subclass 804

This permanent visa is for parents who are above the Australian age pension age. It makes it possible for elderly parents to live in Australia for good. The aged parent visa subclass 804 is a scheme that aims the support older parents who want to be with their family in Australia during their retirement years.

Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 173/143

These visas need a huge money payment but they give you a faster time of processing. They make it possible for parents to reside in Australia for a long period. The contributory parent visa (subclass 173 for temporary and subclass 143 for permanent) is perfect for those who can afford the higher fees and want to have a fast transition to permanent residency.

Contributory Aged Parent Visa Subclass 884/864

The visas for the elderly parents are also meant for them to make a higher financial contribution but at the same time, they have a faster way to get permanent residence. The contributory aged parent visa subclasses 884 (temporary) and 864 (permanent) are designed for elderly parents who need a quick solution to their immigration status, thus they can live with their families without long waiting periods.

What is the Balance of Family Test?

The Balance of Family Test is a vital requirement that has to be fulfilled for some of the Parent Visas in Australia. This test proves that the majority of the applicant’s children are either Australian citizens or permanent residents. The test demands that at least half of the parent’s kids are in Australia or that more kids are in Australia than in any other country.

The applicant has to pass the Balance of Family Test which means that at least 50% of the applicant’s children should be living in Australia as permanent residents or citizens. This requirement of having a family in Australia guarantees that parents who immigrate to the country will have family support in the country.

The assessment is based on the total number of applicant’s children, including stepchildren and adopted children. The thorough count guarantees an impartial evaluation of the applicant’s family situation and the connection to Australia.

Parents are required to give the school authorities the necessary documents which prove that their children are residents of the school. This includes birth certificates, citizenship certificates, and proof of permanent residency. The documentation is of great importance to pass the Balance of Family Test.

The only exceptions to this test are when there are humanitarian or compelling reasons. These exceptions are assessed individually, thus being a little bit flexible for special family situations.

The Balance of the Family Test, if failed, can be the reason for the denial of visas like the Parent Visa (subclass 103) and the Contributory Parent Visa (subclass 143). The applicants need to know and fulfill this requirement so that they can prevent the delay or rejection of their visa application process.

The Balance of Family Test is meant to make sure that the parents who come to Australia from other countries have a reliable system of support within the country, which helps them to settle and integrate in the new place. The test preparation and the understanding of this test are a crucial part of the visa application process for parents.

How Do You Apply for a Parent Visa in Australia?

The Australian Parent visa application procedure is complex and demands meticulous attention to detail. The steps can be navigated as follows:

Consultation and Engagement:

Start by arranging a meeting with the immigration lawyer who has expertise in this field, and they will give you customized assistance. They will perform an evaluation of your case and the complexities of the process, and they will acquaint you with the process. Upon the completion of the meeting, they will promptly send you an engagement letter or an agreement detailing the terms and conditions of your legal representation, so that all parties involved have a firm grasp on the commitment.

Preparation and Support:

International marriage requires your lawyer to prepare a set of documents and to collect strong evidence that confirms your relationship. These proofs may include joint bank account statements, shared lease or mortgage documents, and personal statements from friends and family. This preparation stage is an essential element of the whole procedure, because the quality of application can provide a basis for a fair consideration.

Submission and Communication:

This is the stage where you and your attorney file your application with the Australian Department of Home Affairs. They will review your paperwork and make sure it complies with all applicable laws and regulations. The lawyer will be working closely with the department and maintaining communication with you during this waiting period, which may be longer, and will give additional information.

Representation and Success:

You may, for instance, be required to provide additional information or submit to an interview by the Department of Home Affairs. And if so, your lawyer will prepare you for this and represent you if the need arises. They’re the one who is there for you, and they are the ones who bring out the best in you so that they can better present you to the college. They will advise you on the outcome of the decision and would review the details to guide you on the best choice, may it be an appeal or new application.

What Documents Are Essential for a Parent Visa Application?

The documentation process for a parent visa is comprehensive and requires attention to detail. Here are the essential documents you need to gather to ensure a smooth visa application for your parents:

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Proof of Identity : Passports, birth certificates, and national identity cards are the documents that one should always carry while traveling. These documents verify the identity of the applicant and the sponsor. For instance, an 870-parent visa application would require the parents to give valid passports and birth certificates to prove their identities without any doubt. This stage is responsible for the authenticity of the applicants and hence, the prevention of fraud.

Proof of Relationship : Marriage certificates, children’s birth certificates, and any other documents that prove the family relationship are the necessary documents. This documentation is the main evidence of the existence of the parent sponsorship and its applicant. The proof of the relationship is the main thing that a parent sponsor visa in Australia is based on; thus, it is very important to provide accurate and detailed evidence of the familial ties that are the main requirement of the visa process.

Financial Statements: Bank statements, proof of income, and financial assets are the items that are needed to get a loan. These papers are the proof of the financial security of the sponsor and the applicant. When the 870 parent visa application is made, it is essential to prove that the sponsor can provide the parent with financial support during their stay in Australia. This involves submitting the latest bank statements, income tax returns, and any other documents that are required to prove the financial eligibility of the applicant to the immigration authorities.
Health Assessment Reports : The medical records from a panel of physicians recognized as medical professionals. The health checks are compulsory to make sure that the applicant is healthy enough. For instance, a thorough health examination is a vital requirement in the visa application for parents. The reports should be obtained from authorized medical professionals and submitted as part of the visa application process. This means that the parents will not be a threat to the health of the Australian people.
Character Certificates Police clearance certificates from all countries where the applicant has lived for 12 months or more in the past 10 years are required. These certificates prove the honesty of the applicant. In the case of a parent sponsor visa application approval, police clearance from the parents who have lived in different countries over the past ten years might be needed. These certificates are the main proof that the applicant has no serious criminal history which is the most important requirement for visa approval.

Why Should You Choose Us As Your Lawyer For Parent Visa?


Our group at CMI Group has been dealing with parent visa applications for many years. We know the process and can thus help you in the right way. This profound understanding enables us to foresee the possible problems and to take them in advance so that your visa application for parents will be both complete and by the current immigration laws.

Personalized Service

We offer customized advice and services that are designed to meet your particular needs. Every case is different and we provide solutions that are the most suitable for you. At CMI Legal, we understand your family's situation and thus, we provide you with the best strategies that will match your goals, be it applying for a visa 870, a parent sponsor visa in Australia, or other types.

High Success Rate

Our firm has a high percentage of successful parent visa applications. Our comprehensive method of work guarantees that all the details are taken care of, thereby cutting the chances of mistakes and increasing the likelihood of getting the approval. We thoroughly check every part of your application, from the first eligibility assessment to the final submission, ensuring all the requirements for parents' PR visas are fulfilled.

Transparent Fees

We are a transparent organization and thus, we provide the information regarding our fees. There are no hidden costs, which means you know precisely what you are paying for. The simple fee structure of the application enables you to plan your finances properly, which in turn gives you peace of mind as you navigate the complexities of the parent visa application process.

Client Support

We are there for you the whole time you are applying for the visa. Our team is all the time at your disposal to answer your queries and inform you of the latest developments. At CMI Group, we put a high importance on communication which makes you well-informed and confident during your journey. We are not only committed to the clients but the clients' success as well, which is why we are available beyond office hours.

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FAQs on Parent Visa Law

In Australia, a family member is said to be a spouse or de facto partner, dependent children, and some other relatives who are dependent on the primary visa applicant for financial support. In addition to parents, siblings, and grandparents, this can also cover some visa subclasses. The definition of that term can be different according to the visa category.
Undoubtedly, you can remain in Australia while waiting for a parent visa if you have a valid bridging visa. This visa allows you to stay in the country lawfully until the decision is made on your parent’s visa application. Bridging visas are usually given to those who are already in Australia and are applying for a visa.

The price of a parenting visa in Australia can be very different from one another. To illustrate, the fee for a Parent Visa (subclass 103) starts at AUD 6,490, while the fee for a Contributory Parent Visa (subclass 143) can be as high as AUD 47,755. Apart from the other expenses, the costs may also encompass health checks, police clearances, and biometrics.

Yes, you can bring your parents to Australia permanently through various visa options like the Parent Visa (subclass 103), Contributory Parent Visa (subclass 143), and the Aged Parent Visa (subclass 804). Every visa has its own conditions and processing time, therefore it is advisable to select the one that suits you best.
No, you can’t take your parents with you on an Australian student visa. Student visas normally extend to the primary applicant and their dependent spouse or children. Parents are not considered dependent under student visa regulations.

The main difference between a parent visa and an aged parent visa is the age limit. The Aged Parent Visas (such as subclass 804) are for the parents who are old enough to qualify for the Australian age pension. On the other hand, Parent Visas (for instance, subclass 103) do not have an age limit but usually take longer to be processed and have different financial obligations.

The processing time for a sponsored parent visa, like the Sponsored Parent (Temporary) Visa (subclass 870), differs. Generally, it is a long process but it can be faster than the permanent parent visas. The amount of time it takes to complete the application is not the same for everyone and it also depends on how much of the application is done.

The charges by immigration lawyers for helping with parent visas in Australia can be different from one another. The average legal fees are between AUD 2,000 and AUD 10,000, depending on the case complexity and the services that are needed. These costs are on top of the visa application charges.

Certainly, Australian citizens and permanent residents have the privilege to sponsor some family members for permanent residency visas. The list of family members includes partners, children, parents, and other relatives under the family visa categories. All the visa types have their own set of eligibility criteria and requirements.

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